A book on the curatorial project of Andreia Garcia for the Architecture program at Maia Biennial of Contemporary Art ’17.

Architecture, Art, Book, 2019

Shaping Shape is a book on the curatorial project of Andreia Garcia for the Architecture program at Maia Biennial of Contemporary Art ’17.
In Shaping Shape, the enormous scale of the cylindrical volumes of industrial storage (silos) hides specific contexts and imageries. Just as the silos' artistic interventions accentuate their interstitial spaces, the publication, closed in a single notebook with a single fold, is built around a central axis that guides and affects the entire structure. This separator, both visual and mechanical, presents us an alternative beginning or end, in a non-linear experience of the concentric parts. This central space reveals the only moment of visual dialogue between the two works on the same plane, since they are diametrically opposed in reality.

Book, 20×30 cm, 100 pages, 500 copies. ISBN 978-989-54508-0-0. Editor: Andreia Garcia; Publisher: Architectural Affairs; Works: Diogo Aguiar Studio + Pedro Tudela, Fahr 021.3 + Dalila Gonçalves, Gabriela Vaz-Pinheiro, Moradavaga; Photography: Cláudio Reis.

Selected for the Best Portuguese Book Design Awards 2020 and for the competition Best Book Design from All Over the World 2020 by Stiftung Buchkunst.